Information about Rudraksha Crystal Mala
This mala has made of 108 beads alternating between five faced rudraksha and quartz crystal in thread with knots between the beads. This mala is a favourite of yoga practitioners in general and naturally Shiv bhaktas in particular. Certain wrathful sadhanas in Tibetan Buddhism also incorporate rudraksha.
This particular mala has genuine quartz crystal; a feminine, ethereal cold element, with the Rudraksha; a masculine earthy, hot element, which has been described as perfectly balanced and recommended by many gurus and sages.
- It renders prosperity to the family of the person who wears it and his enemy gets annihilated.
- Wearing this rosary can save the person from cough, ailment caused by disorder of the wind within the system, fever.
- Performing Jap of Shiva Panchaakshari Mantra with this rosary proves to be useful and renders prosperity to the person.
- A man, who wears it, can have peace of mind and it can subside his anger.
- The rosary saves the person from disorder in sleep and from eye problem.
Number of beads
108 + 1 beads with equal proportions of Rudraksha and Crystal
Size of beads
7 - 8 mm