One Mukhi Rudraksha is considered as the eventual blessing of Lord Shiva himself and is hence treated as the most sacred bead amongst all the Rudraksha beads. It rectifies all types of sins committed by a person, fulfils all desires and attracts prosperity, luck, fortune and bestows worldly pleasures as well as salvation (Nirvana) to the one who wears it. A person wearing One Mukhi Rudraksha is benefited by all the materialistic comforts and at the same time remains isolated from them. This is the most sought after Rudraksha also famous as “Divine Bead ". A round one Mukhi Rudraksha is very scarce and therefore the “One Mukhi Rudraksha" is normally referred as a Kaju Shaped one also known as “Half Moon Shaped One Mukhi Rudraksha" because of its crescent shape. Blessings of Goddess Maha Lakshmi shower on the house where a One Mukhi Rudraksha is worshipped. Lord Shiva himself is pleased with the wearer of this Rudraksha and any obstacles in his path are removed thereby enabling him to lead a Rich and Powerful Life.
According to the Hindu Mythology, Lord Shiva is considered as the most powerful amongst all Lords and hence he is called "Mahadev" which means Lord of Lords. He is the creator of Language, Music, Dance and Ayurveda and also regulates the cycle of Birth and Death. As per Ancient Vedic scripts, One Mukhi Rudraksha not only gives all the worldly pleasures to the wearer but it also imparts salvation and hence, it has a unique position among all the other Rudrakshas. Those people who take leadership responsibilities or are leading any big organizations can also derive great benefits by wearing 1 Mukhi Rudraksha as not only it induces leadership qualities but also helps a person to fight unfavourable conditions. It has also been documented that a One Mukhi Rudraksha is strongly recommended for the person who wants to get rid of bad habits like smoking, drinking, tobacco chewing or drug habits.
This 1 Mukhi Rudraksha is without any Cap / Pendant, it can be kept in the place of worship
- The wearer enjoys all the materialistic pleasures and all his worldly wishes gets fulfilled yet he is not enslaved by them.
- Attainment of Spiritual Consciousness at supreme level and Mental Peace, Accomplishing the goal of Nirvana (Salvation).
- One Mukhi Rudraksha reduces the malefic effects of planet SUN and makes the individual charismatic and luminous like the Divine Surya.
- As per Ancient Vedic Texts, this Rudraksha is said to be very beneficial in curing headache, right eye problems & diseases of liver, bowels, heart diseases, bone pains etc.
- This Rudraksha provides a person with the power to Focus, Develop Confidence, Leadership qualities and Prosperity.
- A person wearing One Mukhi Rudraksha is successful in leading a Healthier, Wealthier and Happier Life by the blessings of Lord Shiva.
of 1 Mukhi Rudraksha